Saturday, July 17, 2010

more words again!

I've been procrastinating again, and decided to make up for it:

For quite awhile i'd been putting random pieces of writing here.

Mainly because i tend to like categorizing things, and separate them into different accounts/sites so they each have their own mood or purpose.

But it wasn't open for a long, long while- the same publishing-shyness sort of took over again.
I guess it really wouldn't hurt, though, to let it be findable... so if you don't mind random unexplained nonsense, do feel free to have a look. : )

Friday, April 9, 2010

It's exactly a year since I last posted.
It feels strange.
All along I'd been uneasy with blogging- because:

1. unless used as a communication platform, it seemed an unnecessary strain of exhibitionism.
2. I had mixed feelings about putting thoughts out into a public domain.
3. I had no time.

Recently, I began to take up 1.- as a communication platform to a very small group of people.
2. and 3. still remain, especially 3. So I can't guarantee my regularity. But I am beginning to try again, for the sake of 1. in our busy, no-contact lives.